francis jacinta daly
i'll stare forever and love whatever breaks my heart.
NAME: francis jacinta daly
NICKNAMES: frankie
D.O.B. & AGE: 09.27.85 & 27
MARITAL STATUS: divorced. not dating
SEXUALITY: straight
CURRENT RESIDENCE: boston, massachusetts
HOMETOWN: the liberties, dublin, ireland
FAMILY: finn daly (father, +33), rose daly (mother, +28), seamus (shay) daly (brother, +9), imelda (melly, 'melda) daly (sister, +7), kyle daly (brother, -4), marcus daly, (brother, -6) (


PLAYED BY: erin heatherton
CONTACT: screened post in journal
WRITING: third person past tense storybook threads.
AIM: frannelcake

It didn't take a job at the noteworthy Guinness to get Finn Daly on The Liberties radar. At an early age, word had already begun to spread of a certain temper one Irishman was notorious for, but it was when he got on the drink that the neighbors really got a taste for the man's brutality. There were no secrets that could be maintained when the blinds were up and the windows slid open, and it didn't take a rocket scientist to know Rose Tierney wasn't Finn Daly's first choice in woman. From the start their relationship had been built on an obvious second-best winning. Rose, proud of herself for winning the man of her younger dreams, had never really had her taste of Finn's true nature until the vows were said and the rings were in place. Even then, there was a triumphant feeling low in her gut despite the bloody noses and the spiteful remarks cast in her direction. At one time in his life, Finn had been the most sought after man on the block, one whom would have had his first pick had the rumors been kept on hushed voices for only a little longer. The opportunity to swoop in and claim the man no one wanted anymore was the exact brush of luck Rose had been waiting for.
Seamus was the first born of the Daly's clan, tall and fair skinned with his dark features calling attention to the population around him. It was Finn's spitting image, and maybe the single best reason of why he took his anger out the most on his eldest son. Imelda wasn't long after, a product of a drunken husband forcing himself onto a sobbing wife. But no matter what, Rose stayed faithful to her husband. More than once she'd begged the neighbors to not call the cops on the man, that they should mind their own business and get back in their homes. By the time Francis came into the world, Imelda and Seamus had to learn to keep their father at a good distance from their younger sister whenever he decided to wander home for the night. It wasn't unknown that Finn had been dipping into more than just the booze when he was out for the night. There had been times where the Daly's father wouldn't come home all weekend.
No one was surprised when Guinness finally cut their losses and fired the alcoholic man. Seamus and Imelda had to step up to the plate for the younger siblings, quitting school to go to work so that their ma had enough funds to keep the poor excuse of a roof over their heads and the dinner on the table. At this point, both Kyle and Marcus were born and Finn was barely finding enough side jobs to maintain his steady intake of booze. Being without a job left the father of five in worse and worse moods as time went on. When Francis turned thirteen, she'd come home from a mate's and walked in on a scene that would never leave her. Seamus had been knocked unconscious on the floor, both Imelda and Rose hovering over his limp body with their own faces bloody and broken china splattered around them. Finn had blacked out in the next room over, unconscious in his drunken stupor and none the wiser to the ruckus he'd caused when he came home after a two day absence.
Francis knew then that she had to get out. But knowing it and acting on it were two separate things. Throughout high school she took on odd jobs around the neighborhood and would keep the small amount she made hidden beneath the floorboards of her bedroom. The saving up had been the easy part, but it was the getting out that would prove to be the most difficult task. The blonde had a real struck of luck when she encountered her saving grace, fresh off the plane from America and wasting away his holiday inside a nearby pub. He'd had money, recourses, and an idea that would give the young girl exactly what she wanted.
At eighteen, on a dark, bitter night in Dublin, Francis Daly slid out of her bedroom, took what few belongings she could and the money she'd saved before meeting up with her stranger on the outskirts of town. With The Liberties all cozy in their beds, the Daly clan none the wiser to a certain missing blonde, Francis boarded a plane and took marital vows a week later that would ensure her future green card in America. No contact had been made with her family since she disappeared that night. No note was left and no witnesses could pin point her exact whereabouts. In the meantime, Francis got her life started with her new husband and graduated college with enough credits to solidfiy her position as a legal secretary. She was awarded her green card and has since divorced the man who helped her achieve her freedom.
  34 jane street #5